Moonday Guidance :: Sacred Creators Oracle Card Reading

I recently purchased Chris-Anne’s Sacred Creator Oracle card deck to use as a tool from which to draw creative guidance and wisdom, and to practice quieting my brain and listening to my intuition. I love the design and art on the cards, and the simple messages that allow space for reflection and inspiration.

As part of my creative practice, I hope to share a weekly card reading here. I’m a beginner, so I invite you to grow on this journey with me! Let me know in the comments if any of this helped or resonated with you.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath, and ask the Universe what message or guidance you may need today.

Shannon Sorensen Creative Studio_Sacred Creators Oracle Card Reading_Oct 4.jpg

I decided to pull two cards, because you never know, sometimes one message doesn’t resonate with me. Today, however, the cards worked in tandem to deliver a power-packed message.

First, what does your soul say? This card is about turning inward and listening to your deepest wants, needs and desires. It’s about focusing on yourself, which is not easy! You’re encouraged to resist any feelings of guilt in this self care practice. You do so much for others. Consider this your signal to pursue what is written on your heart. This is encouraging not just reflection, but action. Your soul already knows what you want. Are you willing to listen?

I hope so, because YOU ARE EPIC. The message is right there. You know it. I know it. The Universe knows it. You are not just next level - you have incredible gifts. No one has your heart, your voice, or your spirit. All these dynamic pieces combine to make YOU - this incredible, epic being. The Sun doesn’t doubt it’s brightness, it’s warmth, or it’s power. It simply shines - every single day. And we reaps the benefits of standing in the presence of that power.

Rise up and SHINE, friend. The light, warmth, and power you emit by embodying your gifts will elevate those who need your energy.

Shannon Sorensen is a Connecticut-based artist, writer and creatrix who shares wisdom, guidance, insight and inspiration for infusing more creative living into each day. She hosts the Creative, Happy Life Podcast, her Creative Living Youtube channel, and hopes her work inspires others to explore their creativity and do more of what they enjoy as part of a creative lifestyle.