Practice Makes Better (Not Perfect) :: Creative Happy Life Podcast Episode 14

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Were you ever told “practice makes perfect” as a means of motivating you to keep going? In episode 14, I’m exploring that phrase, and encouraging you to reframe that mindset to something else:

Practice makes better.

As we have discussed in previous episodes, perfection is an idea, an ideal. It implies that there is nothing left to fix, work on, or improve. But that simply doesn’t exist, right? As humans, we can always be trying something new, changing perspective, learning, growing and improving.

So when someone tells us, “Practice makes perfect!”, it can have an opposite effect. Because focus on perfection can be overwhelming, or paralyzing. The ideal may seem so out of reach, that you give up. Or worse, you don’t even get started.

So let’s break down this idea of practice.

We practice to learn. We practice to grow. And we practice to get better at something. Whether it’s playing a sport, learning an instrument, learning to do anything - takes practice. No one is really great at doing something new right from the start. So acknowledging that you’re a beginner, and going from your starting point, create your first goal.

Some things that I have practiced in my life are:

Becoming a softball pitcher. To start, you need to learn to throw the ball. The simple physical mechanics of throwing. Then you work on aiming each throw. Then you work on strengthening the speed and force behind your throw. Then you keep practicing to keep improving. As a softball pitcher, you learn to throw overhand first, then you have to change it up. You learn to throw underhand, how to aim a throw, and how to create speed and force. And then you keep practicing.

Learning to play the flute. I knew what a good flute player sounded like. But before I could even learn a note, I had to learn how to create sound. Sound familiar? The physical mechanics of creating sound to play the flute. Then I had to learn the finger positioning for each note. I had to practice playing the correct pitch of each note. I had to practice transitioning finger positions to change notes. Then I had to continue practicing for speed, tone, pitch…and then practice more to be part of an ensemble. Learning, growing, and improving over 7 years until we had the honor of being selected to perform at Carnegie Hall.

Yes, the Carnegie Hall.

How do you get there? Well, it’s on 7th Ave in New York City, between West 56th and 57th…

But….the old saying is true.

How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice…

Practice takes discipline, consistency, focus, and mindset.

Before you begin, adjust your mindset.

If you’re a beginner, starting fresh, acknowledge that. Create a clear starting goal. What do you want step one to be. Think about step two next. Ignore steps 5-50. Focus on where you are right now, and where you hope to go next. If you’re starting to run, you might focus on getting your sneakers on and going for a walk. Step two might be repeating that tomorrow, with a slightly faster pace.

If you’re picking up an old hobby or activity, don’t live in the past, where you may have been more practiced and advanced. Did you play the piano as a kid? Awesome - you probably retained some basic skills and ability to read music. But your hands have changed, your eyes and brain have changed. Come back to it just as you are. Give yourself the grace to make mistakes, forget things, and play a bit clumsily.

Then, keep practicing. More and more. Learn. Grow. Improve.

When you think you can’t go any further, change perspectives. Create new goals. Try doing things a new way.

The possibilities are endless, and you are limitless.

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Thanks for listening!

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